Wednesday, September 28, 2016


For the photo of Yi-Chen that depicts her, I chose to focus on her thoughtful, intelligent and multidimensional character. To represent this I shone the light through wires to create a mysterious alluring effect. 

This shows that light travels in a straight line, as evidenced by shadows created by the wires. It also provides an example of refracted light as seen on her face.

This portrait reminded me of a video Yi Chen made of her hair showed in critique. 

For the photo that was the opposite of Yi-Chen's personality, I chose to create a straightforward, superficial, flat portrait. To achieve this effect, I held the light to her left, and had a mirror to her right. This portrait uses light travels in a straight line (shadows created by clothing), refracted light (on her face and glasses) and angle of incidence = angle of reflection (mirror bouncing light on her face).

Monday, September 12, 2016

Laws of Light ~ 


Camera = 11ft 6in from wall
Light = 13ft 1in from wall

White: 1ft from wall
Gray: 5ft 9in from wall
Black: 8ft 10in from wall